Friday, April 13, 2012


My daughter was sick for the first time this week.  It was horrible, then she gave it to me.  Oh the joys, I don't know why I felt worse, because I couldn't move without wanting to cry, or because my 9 month old felt that way and couldn't tell me.  I have decided that it is horrible to have a sick child, that and she sounds like a very very tiny chainsaw when she snores while sick.

I was sick as a child of course, a couple times really stand out to me though.  The first was when I was younger, about 10 or 11 I would guess and I had a fever so I staid home.  My my mother and father went to work, my little brother went to school, and I spiked a fever of 103.  My mom came home and took me to the ER, where they diagnosed me with bronchitis.  That one was actually not so bad, I didn't feel too bad other than the fact that I thought I would never quit coughing, and I got to stay home all week laying on my parents bed in the air conditioning watching TV.

The second was in high school while living with my grandparents.  I came home from school and wasn't feeling so good, then it got worse, and worse, until I ended up in the fetal position in the living room floor because if I sat up I felt like I was going to throw up.  Then my Grandma and Grandpa walked in with a pizza and as soon as I smelt it I ran to the bathroom and upchucked what felt like everything I had ate for a week, but most likely was really a muffin and a couple cookies, as my diet wasn't so great in high school.

Anyway, the moral of this story is being sick sucks.  I really don't have a picture to go with this one, so lets just say I did that to protect you from the horrors of what I look like when ill.

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