Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Regina Spektor - "Fidelity"

I'm still not feeling too great so I thought I would stick with something easy today.  Do you have songs that make you remember all kinds of random things and people when you here them?  Well this is one of those songs for me.  Every time I hear it I think of college.

I have these mental images of the TVs in the student center playing MTV U at all hours of day and night and this video playing constantly for what felt like a month.  I remember the security guard we all hang out with saying it sounds like she stuck her hand on a hot stove in this song, and I remember my husband (then boyfriend), driving to his parents some weekends and driving through a town named Fidelity and my cracking up every time.

I wonder sometimes about what other people think about when songs come on, what kind of memories pop into their heads, what songs are special to them.  I love music and I have a lot of songs that do this for me, so what songs are special to you? I look forward to my nonexistent audiences answer in the comment section.

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