Friday, April 20, 2012

Date Night!

My husband and I (before we were married) running for homecoming king and queen in college.

Last night my husband and I had a date night.  We ate dinner at home, and then went to Sonic for some dessert and went on a drive.  We call it an adventure, however you can't say it just say that like any other word you have to have some real enthusiasm going on, like it is the best thing ever, because really it's not far from it.  Driving around taking in the scenery, fresh air streaming through the windows, and a nice long chat with your loved one.  Not worrying about dirty clothes and the dishes sitting on the counter because sometimes the old saying is right. Out of sight, out of mind.

Some of my favorite activities on these adventures of ours include finding beautiful houses with manicured lawns and imagining what it would be like to live in such an awesome place.  Also you can't beat going down a road you have never been on, just driving to drive, and not caring where it leads you.  I think that is the only downside to living in a city that I can think of, you have to get out further to get the good views.

We took drives in college, when we first got married, and now 5 years and a baby later we still find joy in it.  I hope that we still do these little things for the rest of our life together.

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