Friday, January 24, 2014


Since my last post I haven't really had anything to blog about, but I have done a little redesign on the blog.  New title, new layout, new everything except post.  So here it is, what do you think? Just thought I would make sure everyone could still read this font, if you have any problems just let me know. I will try to have something to post about soon!

Friday, January 10, 2014

A post from yesterday.

Ok, really it is from today, but I planned to write it yesterday so....

I have a two and a half year old.  Her vocabulary is amazing, she can write a's and occasionally b's but only when she wants.  A couple days ago she found a bank statement that happened to be for her savings account.  When I told her it was her money she carried it around the house saying she wanted to go to Taco Bell and get a "burrito, one soft one, money bank account" so I suppose she is starting to realize you have to have money to get things.

The other day she followed me around telling me I was pretty, and beautiful, and smart.  I told her she is beautiful and smart and a good girl, the way I have hundreds of times before and I am glad that it is somewhere embedded in her mind.  I hope it stays there forever and whenever she feels that she is not enough she remembers that she is all those things and more.

Now the truth is that raising a two year old is not all fun and games, which I was reminded of while trying to take her two and a half year photos.  The only way she would sit for it was if I gave her camera to her so that she could take pictures too, easy enough and it created some cute photo ops anyway.

These last two years have flown by, here's to hoping they slow down a little.