Thursday, August 15, 2013


It has been too long.  Since the last time I have published a blog post I have started three posts.  One of them was about how Dravyn was sick off and on for three weeks, one about how it had been two weeks since I posted anything, and a third about the top 5 things I think about when I look at my family.  I think I will finish that one eventually.  I also started one but didn't actually write anything, so it is just listed there blank, and I finished one.  I am debating with myself about hitting the publish button on that one.

Right now life is stressful.  It isn't sunny everyday, every cloud has a silver lining, and things will get better, at least that is what people always say.  I think they lie.

In reality I know things aren't that bad, I know that they could be worse, and that at least things will change.  Better or worse who knows, but I like change, it at least means there is a possibility of better times.  I also know that I sound like a baby, I promise that I will snap out of it, but sometimes you just have to get it out you know?

Anyway tonight I was thinking about cleaning.  On that subject lets just say the skills and habits necessary for keeping a clean and organized household is not something that was instilled in me as a child, or something I come about naturally.  I think cleaning is a big cosmic practical joke.  You clean and then dust falls, dirt and grass gets tracked in, the dogs roll in something before coming in, or you have a kid.  And don't even get me started on laundry, talk about a chore that can never be done.  You are always wearing clothes that are going to need to be washed, so even if everything works out perfectly and every other item of clothing, all the towels, and bedding are clean, you still aren't done.  It's enough to bring someone to tears.

Last weekend we went to stay with my aunt for a few nights, see some family we don't often get to see, go to a Thirty-One meeting, and just get some away time.   It was a nice time, but I can't wait until this weekend when we finally have nothing planned, and hopefully none of us will be sick.  I need a nice relaxing weekend.

Maybe my next post will come in less than a month.