Monday, October 15, 2012

Family Campout 2012

This weekend was the Halloween campout, and it had an interesting start.  My husband and I got there before any of the rest of my family was there, which has never happened before.  When we got to the camp there was a man living in his car, that in itself, would have been sad, not creepy, but near where he was parked there were these...

Plus a stove built out of rocks, but that was pretty cool, much less creepy than this stuff.  Anyway we decided to wait until more people showed up so we went to feed the fish. And await my aunt to come and save us.  About 3 hours later my aunt, one of my cousins, and my grandparents showed up.  After my aunt told the man that a lot of people were going to show up, he moved down the road a little, and we began dismantling the creepy stone circle and sticks (that may have looked like they had horns, that picture doesn't do it justice), we set up camp, while carefully avoiding the pile of leaves that seemed to be the perfect size and shape to hide a body.  Can you tell we may have let our imaginations run a little wild?

My Aunt
My grandma and grandpa
My cousin Mattie
More people continued to show up that night, and we cooked hot dogs over the fire for our first meal, and hung out with everyone around the campfire.  The first night there was a small storm system that moved through, but really went around us.  We heard thunder and saw lightning, but no rain, which was great, and Dravyn did decent for her first night sleeping in a tent.

The second day was filled with more family, and fun times, we took my cousin Nicole to the docks with us, so she could watch Dravyn feed the fish again, we cooked good food, ate what seemed like constantly, my parents came to visit for a short amount of time, and Dravyn attached herself to Mattie all day. 

My cousin Nicole and Dravyn.

Me and baby girl.

Hanging out around camp and walking like a pro!

That night a storm system came through again, and although we didn't get the 70 mile an hour winds they were calling for when we left to start the adventure we did get pouring rain, strong winds, and of course thunder and lightning.

The tent on the left is ours, and the one on the right is my aunts.  During the storm, while it was pouring rain, we invited them over to our tent to watch Cars 2 on my Ipad with us.  I promise it was the only time I used it all weekend.  And about 10 minutes later Dravyn conked out and stayed asleep all night.  It was a fun time, even when the seems in our tent started leaking and it seemed to be raining in the tent.

Dravyn has grown so much since last years, and she had so much fun being outside and and being passed from person to person.

Dravyn at the campout last year.

The weekend was great, and I had so much fun, but like all things, it had to end sometime, so yesterday we packed up, and headed home, unloaded, set up the tent to dry, then packing it up afterword and settling into our home routines.

The only time that a warm, relaxing shower, and freshly laundered clothing comes with a twinge of sadness is after a campout, when along with the feel of soft clothes and clean hair, also comes the realization that you have lost the dirt smudges, and campfire scent that mark your fun times outdoors. But alas you have to come back to reality of day to day life sometime, and wait in anticipation for next years campout to begin.  And although I am now campfire scent free, I have plenty of pictures to remind me of the great time I had this weekend.