Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Christmas Parade

Last year for the Christmas parade it was freezing, they had set up fire barrels around the square and people were huddled around them shivering.  Dravyn was almost 5 months old, bundled up to the point of not being able to move much, and honestly was too young to enjoy it anyway.

This year was much different.  We wore short sleaves and jeans to the square, and brought Dravyns jacket in case she got chilly.  It was great weather, and Dravyn was in a great mood, running everywhere and watching everyone and everything.

They lit the Christmas lights on the square right before the parade.  One of my favorite things to do is to go to the square and walk around when the lights are on it is just so beautiful and peaceful.

The pop chorus sang some songs and did really great, there were a couple soloists who also did a good job, even though the microphone didn't reach to where they were singing and their sheet music tried to blow away.

The night finished up with the parade, candy, a drive around to look at a house that has an awesome lights display, and burgers back home.  It was just another one of the fun activities this time of year.

Now that the parade is over I shall wait for the snow.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a very sweet town : ). I love that the weather was so nice this year. I can't get over these 60 degree days around here. I LOVE it!
