Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My very beautiful 2 year old.

The 9th was Dravyn's birthday but we celebrated the 6th.  She had some people come to celebrate with her, including my cousin who's birthday really is the 6th.  It was a great day with pizza cake and a big surprise for the birthday girl.

She got a little people barn and has been carrying it around the house playing with it everywhere and after the initial scare over it making noise, now she is loving the sounds it makes and the animals.
Her big gift was from her grandparents, my grandparents, and her father and me.  She loves it and has been wanting to go play at her "park" all week.

Her actual birthday was really laid back, we played outside in the morning, and went about our usual schedule.  She did con her grandparents into taking her to McDonalds to get fries and a cookie, and to go to Wal-Mart where she got a new outfit and some hair clips.  The night finished with a jello fish bowl just for her and some two year pictures.

She has gotten so big over the last couple of years and I can't wait to see how much more she will be able to do next year.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

4th of July

Dravyn's second 4th of July went really well.  She loves stomping on snappers, and helping her daddy light smoke bombs.  She also rode a tricycle for the first time, she didn't really "get" it, only pushing it correctly about half a rotation but she had fun!  It was a great day even though we spent most of the day building her birthday surprise in the backyard.
Stomp Stomp Stomp

What I got when I asked for a smile.

A super happy girl!

I hope you had a happy Independence Day.

Monday, July 1, 2013

The one with boom and falls.

So... I am pretty much frustrated with everything lately.  I think it has something to do with not having a good nights sleep in the last month. Well, that and other things, but for now we will leave it at that.

Dravyn has learned that fireworks go "Boom!" and then fall, and she loves them so much.  Therefore I have decided to fill the rest of this blog post with "fire booms".