Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Changing the world.

I want my child to get an education, I don't want her to live in poverty, I want her to find true love, and have long lasting friendships.  When she gets older I want her to know that she can come to me for emotional support, and I want to be able to offer her explanations of what I would do in a situation but allow her to make her own decisions with the knowledge that I will be there if she makes the wrong one.  I want her to have a home of her own, and a career she loves, unless she is a stay home mom, and then I want her to love that.

But more than that I want her to grow up in a world where the good outshines the bad and where there is more joy than fear.  I hope so badly that this world lives up to those expectations, despite weeks like last one.

So many sad things happen, but I think it's important to point out the good and fun things too.  So that is what I am going to do now.  I will end this post with pictures of fun and beautiful things.

A light dusting of snow and flowers both pictures taken today.
Watching NASCAR races live.
And a sleeping dog, so peaceful.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I made it a year.

It has been a year since I started this blog, a whole year.  A lot is the same, but a lot has changed.

Dravyn was only 9 months old when I started this blog and she is now almost 2, birthday party planning will occur soon, but it will be a much smaller affair this year.

I am now an Independent Thirty-One Consultant, something I love.  I never had an issue with purses or shoes, but oh my I am a bag addict now.

I have enjoyed posting over the last year, and hope to eventually get to the point where I actually accomplish the things I started out to do.  I don't think I am ever going to be a brilliant and inspiring writer, but I hope that I at least keep my family up to date and add a little beauty to this space on the Internet.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

During a real toddler photo shoot....


You get slightly blurry shots, and really blurry shots.

A change of scenery just because, and anger at props.

Closed eyes, and bugger picking.

Tools of bribery that don't always work, and some tears.

But you also get genuine smiles, curious looks, and if you are lucky a few other "keepers". 

Happy 21 months baby girl, I love you.