Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I'm getting old... and it seems to be happening quickly.

This weekend I celebrated 7 years of marriage with my husband.  Today I look at the calendar and realize a month from now our daughter will be 4.  How did that happen?  I am 20 weeks pregnant with our second child how could I be a mom of two, I rarely feel qualified to be an adult let alone a parent.  And I have no idea how what feels like a week ago I was in high school hanging out in the halls with friends before class started and when I think about it I realize it was 10 years ago when I was graduating.  10 YEARS.  That is crazy. Crazy I tell you.

I also realized a couple weeks ago that I used to joke with my aunt and uncle and give them a hard time about being stuck in the 80’s while now I find myself totally jamming out to some of my favorite music from the 90’s and re-reading favorite books from my childhood.  Plus I mean what other excuse could I use for not updating in 9 months.  That's right these decrepit hands have been just too exhausted to type. (That is not true at all)

Dravyn is getting bigger, more independent ( I have to sing Independent by Webbie to spell it right. Don't judge.) and whew is the drama still strong in this house.  She is cute, and loving, and tries so hard to be helpful to everyone.  She loves going to story time at the library, and has been begging to go back to swim lessons for 3 months now.  She is so excited about having a little brother or sister. She wakes up and gives Lima Bean (our nick name for the baby) hugs and kisses, snuggles Lima Bean, and is already doing things like when I say she has 3 more minutes of snuggles before bed arguing with me that Lima Bean said she has 10 minutes.

I am trying to get my cleaning done so of course I have been writing this instead and need to get up and get something done, but hopefully I will remember to post again soon.