Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The many faces of Dravyn.

The that is so funny!

The what is wrong with you?

The I don't think so.

The pre-sneeze.



And Finally the look at my teeth!

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A New Adventure

The day after my last post Dravyn walked for the first time.  I just can't believe how big she is getting, and even though she will be keeping me busy chasing her around the house, I just can't wait until she is walking more, her little unstable steps are so breathtakingly beautiful.

This weekend we went on another adventure! Dravyn did really well, until we started back, and we weren't really expecting to be gone that long, but after giving her something that made noise when she shakes it she was all smiles.  We ended up at Osceola Cheese.  When we were leaving we saw one of those cutouts that you put your face through, so next time maybe a Dravyn the mouse picture could be captured.

For now I have no new pictures or anything amazing to say, so until next time....

Monday, May 14, 2012

My Mothers Day

I would say that my mothers day started Saturday after a trip to Joplin where we took Dravyn to the bridge where my husband proposed to me, and went to Cunningham Park.  Then we went to celebrate my cousins graduation at a Chinese place and headed out at almost 8.  We stopped by Target on the way out of town and I got a book I have been wanting so bad.  Bloom by Kelle Hampton, (which I just finished this morning, it is amazing). 

Sunday my husband made me hash browns, sausage, and eggs for breakfast, we went to church and when we got back home he grilled steak and made me yummy rice.  I got too read some, and then when Dravyn woke up from her nap only 20 min. after falling asleep, I went in to get her and laid down in bed with her, with full intentions of getting up and putting her back down when she fell asleep, but instead I took a nap with her.  It was a great mothers day and I am a very lucky person to have such an amazing husband and daughter.

I did the first day of couch to 5k this morning, and I'm not going to lie, I totally didn't make it, I had to walk through one of the runs.  I am so out of shape it is sad, and honestly I don't know if I want to do that to myself again or not.  I think my problems would be fixed if eating fresh baked cookies and drinking Dr.Pepper made you loose weight.

Maybe one day....

Friday, May 11, 2012

10 Months Old

I can't believe that it has already been 10 months since I held my baby girl for the first time.  It is such a weird feeling, like she has been with us forever, but at the same time, it doesn't feel like she should be so old, and getting so big.  Tomorrow we are going to celebrate my cousins high school graduation, and I think tonight should be family movie night again.

I caught this picture on the way down, but for the last couple days she has been standing up by herself without holding on to anything, next step walking.  I can see her think about it every time, but she decides to sit down.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Little Helper

Baby girl has been trying to help me do lots of things lately, a few posts ago there was a picture of her helping me with laundry.  Now she helps with dishes too.

And she helps the cat find her tail.

She is doing so much more than she was now, she hands you things and shares.  She climbs, and stands by herself not holding anything, which is something I am trying to get a picture of.  After a two week stretch of not sleeping unless she was in bed with us, she has started sleeping in her crib again.  She will be ten months old tomorrow, so I will hopefully get some good pictures of mommy's little koala bear.

Friday, May 4, 2012

My Breakthrough

Last night I was thinking about how big Dravyn is getting, standing, climbing, so close to walking it's scary.  And I thought about oh my goodness I may be a grandma some day.  Now it may be a little early to think about that considering that she is not even 10 months old yet, but it lead me to a breakthrough.  I thought about her having a baby, and how I hope it goes so much smoother for her than it did for me.

I imagined holding my grand baby and telling Dravyn how proud I was of her.  That's when I realized I would be proud of her no matter how things happened.  No matter how the baby was born, natural, epidural, c-section, water, home birth, however it happened I would be so proud of her.  And that made me feel not so bad.

I wanted so bad to go natural, or at most with an epidural. But I ended up unconscious and alone for an emergency c-section.  And I felt like a complete failure.  I still feel like I missed something great, and that may never change, but today I feel better about the c-section.  I still carried her for 9 months, and I had a c-section because it was what was best for her.  I did my best, and I am OK about it now.

Besides how can you regret something that leads to something as amazing as this?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Baby Smiles

Days like today make me so happy to be a stay at home mom.  I may not have been very productive in regards to housework today, but that is not what is important today.

Today is all about my happy baby.  It has included lots of baby smiles, and little cardboard books read as many times as she wants to hand them to me.  We have listened to music, and watched Word World.  We have played and giggled, and I have given her lots of hugs and kisses.  I am so glad that she is in a good mood today it has been a trying week, she was sick, and teething, and fighting sleep for awhile. And today she has been so amazing.  I love my little one so much and it seems like she has always been in our lives.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Busy Day

Yesterday I almost got my daily to-do list done, almost.  This is what it includes....

Read the Bible
Make the Bed
Clean the Bedroom
Straighten the Living Room
Clean the Dining Room Table
Clean the Desk
Wash Laundry
Dry Laundry
Fold/Hang Laundry
Clean Bottles
Clean Kitchen
Cook Dinner
Clean Dishes from Dinner
and Vacuum and Give the baby a bath are every other day.

Of course taking care of/playing with/ watching the baby are not on the list because well obviously I do that everyday.

All I didn't get done was fold/hang laundry and clean the dishes from laundry.  And this is what I faced this morning.

It's my fault for not cleaning the dishes last night, and then of course only a couple more spoons and a bowl would fit in the dishwasher, so I still have to unload and load the last few dishes that wouldn't fit.

And baby girl, oh baby girl, what a day she is having.

First she "helps" me do laundry which I find really cute.

Then she throws a 30 minute fit because she is over tired and wont take a nap and I told her she couldn't play with the electrical outlet.  That by the way looks a little like this, only much, much, longer and holding her and playing with her wouldn't calm her down this time.

Oh and she fell asleep for like 10 minutes while I finished this post I started this morning and is awake screaming again.  I think if this is a preview of the rest of May, I want a do-over.