Friday, March 29, 2013

Birthday Blowout!

I love birthdays! It may seem kind of childish, but I look at it as taking the opportunity to celebrate and be happy.  One year I spent the day wearing a tiara... I was in college.  This year I took a slightly less dramatic route, but one that was a completely different level of awesome.

I woke up and my husband had made me sausage, biscuits, and eggs which is obviously an amazing start to any day.  At lunch we went and picked up my cake from the bakery, next year I will come up with a better idea for the cake, all I told them this time was white cake, white icing, and pink decorations.

After lunch I played outside with my beautiful daughter.  It is hard to imagine any celebration without her, she definitely makes life so much cuter.

My in laws took us out to dinner to celebrate, and then we came back and ate cake and ice cream and opened my gifts.
Dravyn got tired of trying to use utensils but not getting the last of the cake crumbs out of the bottom of the bowl.
My wonderful husband then took us out to the city lake for some fresh air and fun!

I hope you have a great weekend, and find something to celebrate soon!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

20 Months!

Someone turned 20 months old not long ago, and is just about to the point of driving me crazy every single day. Her vocabulary is growing like crazy and she just melts my heart when she is being sweet.

A few days ago she found a belly dance skirt a friend gave me during high school and is obsessed with it now, she loves wearing it and running around to make it jingle.

I am looking forward to this weekend and having more time with my two favorite people.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


I am waiting, I am dreaming of a phone call and an interview but preparing for the letter of doom, the one that says, nope, you're not what we are looking for right now, we have someone better, or just you're not good enough.

I have gotten that letter before, from this place, for this job, the last time it was open, and boy was that unpleasant, of course I knew I was going to get that letter because they were looking for a man, and that I definitely am not.

But other things are going on in my life, I refuse to just sit and wait.  I went to visit family, I got a couple new expansion packs for The Sims 3, I am trying to exercise regularly, and we have started to try potty training.  I'm not sure that she is ready yet, she sits on the toilet, she wipes, and she flushes the toilet, but she doesn't actually do anything when she sits there.

I went on a date with my husband after church Sunday, and we had a Duck Dynasty marathon Tuesday night, it has been a great week, and it will be an even better weekend.  Why? Because I'm the mom and I said so!

I leave you with pictures of my cousin from when I visited this weekend.