Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Traditions

Christmas breakfast is one of my favorite Christmas traditions.  It is held at my grandparents house every year.  I haven't gotten to go for the last few years, so this year we are going to have biscuits and gravy here on Christmas morning.

But there are plenty of things I still get to do.  Like go see the drive through lights display at Way of Salvation.  I didn't get to take pictures there, I will be honest I was too busy letting Dravyn out of her chair and holding her so she could dance to the music and get a better view of the lights.  I promise I put her right back in and strapped her in before we even got back on the road.  This year we also went to the Precious Moments chapel and looked at the lights there.

We got to watch a bell choir, another of my favorite things around Christmas.


We have also started a couple new traditions for Dravyn.  We read the story of the birth of Jesus on Christmas Eve last year and plan to do that again.  We also let her unwrap a gift each year on Christmas Eve, a new pair of Christmas pajamas.  I can't wait for next week.  I think she will be able to enjoy opening presents even more this year, and I get more time with my husband.

In case I don't post again until after Christmas, I hope everyone has a great Christmas.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

"I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart" - The Lumineers

The chorus of this song makes me think of Dravyn every time.

My baby girl is 17 months old now.  I know I will have to stop counting months, but I take pictures of her every month on (or really close to if I forget) the 9th.  I love looking back and seeing month by month how she changes and grows.

This weekend we have big plans to see Christmas lights, and cleaning the carpets.  I bet you can guess which one I am looking forward to the most.

I leave you with pictures of baby girls 17 month pictures.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Christmas Parade

Last year for the Christmas parade it was freezing, they had set up fire barrels around the square and people were huddled around them shivering.  Dravyn was almost 5 months old, bundled up to the point of not being able to move much, and honestly was too young to enjoy it anyway.

This year was much different.  We wore short sleaves and jeans to the square, and brought Dravyns jacket in case she got chilly.  It was great weather, and Dravyn was in a great mood, running everywhere and watching everyone and everything.

They lit the Christmas lights on the square right before the parade.  One of my favorite things to do is to go to the square and walk around when the lights are on it is just so beautiful and peaceful.

The pop chorus sang some songs and did really great, there were a couple soloists who also did a good job, even though the microphone didn't reach to where they were singing and their sheet music tried to blow away.

The night finished up with the parade, candy, a drive around to look at a house that has an awesome lights display, and burgers back home.  It was just another one of the fun activities this time of year.

Now that the parade is over I shall wait for the snow.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


From the first day of October until Thanksgiving day I tried to post something I was thankful for everyday on my Facebook account.  It is an exercise that makes you stretch your mind a little on hard days, when you feel like screaming at the top of your lungs and pulling your hair out, but it is very useful.  We really should be thankful so much more than we are, and sometimes I wonder why we are wired so that finding a negative is so much more easy then finding a positive.  I really wish I was always a glass half full kind of person, instead of the "The glass is not only half empty, but it's cracked on the bottom and the little water left is pouring out at an alarming rate" kind of person.

I always feel like we are at the brink of falling off a cliff.  And that is just a ridiculous way to be.  We may not have everything we want, but we have the things we need.  My daughter has food and clothes, she is warm at night, and even has toys to play with.  We don't have our own place, and all of stuff is packed in boxes gathering dust for the last two years, but we have somewhere to live with family, which is another thing too many people don't have.

I started my thankful posts with things that were shallow, small things, because the ones that first popped into my head are the big ones, and I like to go out with a bang so I saved them.  I am so thankful for my husband, he is my rock and I don't know what I would do without him.  And I am thankful for my daughter, because she teaches me things everyday and really knows how to cheer you up with a smile.  My family is what I am thankful for those two, and my extended family, both the one I was born into and the one I married into.  I am thankful for them now and forever.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Her second Thanksgiving.... Twice

 Our Thanksgiving weekend started Wednesday with a trip south to stay with my Mummy.  We may have stopped and got burgers and shakes on the way down and we may have let Dravyn have some and still, she was completely void of energy on the ride down.  I suppose I should be happy about that, hyper toddler in the car is no fun.

My cousin Nicole left a party to come over and give baby girl some snuggles, and desert.

Thanksgiving morning I woke up, cooked some bacon mac and cheese, and we packed up and got in the car to head further south to my grandparents house for Thanksgiving.  We had lots of good food, Dravyn got an early Christmas gift, and played with my cousin Summers horse.  I missed all the really great shots of her laying on the horse to give it a hug, but it was OK, because I got to see them in person.  She really loves that horse.

I took some pictures of my cousin Summer for my aunt and uncle, and had a great time seeing my family.  It was nice to see everyone, and to have the chance to tease my brother.

Friday we had Thanksgiving number two back at the house with Kevin's parents.  The dishes were set up like something out of a magazine and I ate my weight in corn casserole.  I can not even tell you how excited I was for that meal.  Kevin and I brined the turkey (our first experience doing so), and it was really good.  He was my hero for pulling out it's innards, and my mother in law was my hero for cooking it, I do not look forward to the day when that is my responsibility.

Dravyn dug in, but mostly ate Hawaiian sweet rolls, she shares her mothers love of carbs, the poor girl.
We decorated the tree the next day, with what seems like 1 million ornaments when you are putting it up.
My favorite part of having a Christmas tree up is the beautiful patterns the lights make on the walls.


 This morning we finished the sugar cookies we started last night, and enjoyed the morning together.  It was a great start to the holiday season, and I can't wait  for the rest of it.  This year is going to finish with flair I think.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Halloween and playing with color.

Dravyn was a LEGO for Halloween.  Kevin and I made her costume and as the first costume I ever made I don't think it's half bad.

Bert the farting hippo planned his attack carefully.
I love playing with color in photos, and I especially love this next picture, she looks like she is taking in the world.

Hopefully I will get some good Thanksgiving photos, and have something more to say later.
Notice the beauty of fall this week, it will be easy to find something to be thankful for.