Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Traditions

Christmas breakfast is one of my favorite Christmas traditions.  It is held at my grandparents house every year.  I haven't gotten to go for the last few years, so this year we are going to have biscuits and gravy here on Christmas morning.

But there are plenty of things I still get to do.  Like go see the drive through lights display at Way of Salvation.  I didn't get to take pictures there, I will be honest I was too busy letting Dravyn out of her chair and holding her so she could dance to the music and get a better view of the lights.  I promise I put her right back in and strapped her in before we even got back on the road.  This year we also went to the Precious Moments chapel and looked at the lights there.

We got to watch a bell choir, another of my favorite things around Christmas.


We have also started a couple new traditions for Dravyn.  We read the story of the birth of Jesus on Christmas Eve last year and plan to do that again.  We also let her unwrap a gift each year on Christmas Eve, a new pair of Christmas pajamas.  I can't wait for next week.  I think she will be able to enjoy opening presents even more this year, and I get more time with my husband.

In case I don't post again until after Christmas, I hope everyone has a great Christmas.

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