Friday, January 4, 2013

Christmas 2012

The last couple of weeks have flown by and as I was looking through pictures and getting ready to write this post one thing kept coming to mind.  I just can't believe how much difference a year can make.

Last year, well I guess year before last now, December 2011.
This years Christmas photo. Yes I know I put it in the last post also, but seeing the two pictures together really shows the difference.

Christmas was a lot of fun this year.  It included all the classic holiday situations the house was crowded, children were running everywhere, we ate too much, someone ended up at the ER, along with going to Christmas church service, Christmas P.J.'s, opening gifts, laughing and togetherness.  It was all as it should be.

Dravyn's favorite Christmas gift was a vacuum the same color as mine.  She loves the thing and "helps" all the time now.

The day after Christmas we took family pictures, and said goodbye as family members went back home.

She is really into sticking her tongue out lately.

The whole gang.

The fur babies wanted in on the camera love too.

That day we also took down the tree and re-arranged the furniture while Dravyn slept, I like keeping the tree up longer, but I feared for the ornaments, the days of Dravyn staying out of the tree are over.  We hung out the next few days, had a Home Improvement marathon, and we Dravyn played with our her new stuff.  Of course I got sick, and was sick for about a week just starting to feel better yesterday
and I think I am back to normal today.

It snowed right around the New Year, and it made me so happy, I just love snow, plus Kevin stayed up with me until midnight New Years Eve, so I got a kiss, and drank some sparkling grape juice.

I am so lucky to have a husband and a daughter that I love so much.  I truly feel blessed, and am so excited to start a new year with them.  In this calendar year I will be celebrating my 5 year wedding anniversary, I suppose I will be trying to potty train Dravyn, hopefully Kevin and I will get to go to another NASCAR race, I really want to take Dravyn to the zoo for the first time, and work on my business.  But more importantly I hope this year is full of laughter, smiles, and hugs, and I hope to recognize, appreciate, and remember those moments.

I hope your holiday season was wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. The only thing missing from our holiday was you. Can't wait until next weekend!
    Dravyn looks way too grown up in her Christmas picture this year. Slow down, little girl.
