Friday, January 25, 2013

Root Beer Floats and Tents

You know those things in life that remind you of a memory, and then that memory leads you to others, related, but not in any specific order, kind of like dropping an envelope of photos on the floor.  These are some of the things that do that to me.

When I think of Root Beer Floats I think of when the ice storm hit and we lost power at Crowder and had to go to MSSU, they have a late dinner time when the dinning hall is open and the whole crowder group would gather, a bunch of us making root beer floats.

That makes me think of escaping with a group of friends and ending up a few random places one of which being the tattoo parlor, and watching my then boyfriends roommate Kevin, who is now my husband get his first tattoo.

A trip to Taco Bell, Swinging on the swings outside the cafeteria at the college, and about 20 other things.  Kevin was out of town for a work thing the beginning of this week and when he got back we made root beer floats.

Tents always remind me of the camp outs I have gone to in the past, small things like being terrified of the cows wondering around in the dark when I was younger, running around the campfire playing keep away with Uncle Bob's hat, glow sticks, rainy days, pixy stix, and spook walks.  In a word, family.

There are so many other things,  but right now I am tired, my sick and clingy baby is finally asleep and I should really start cleaning the kitchen and working on laundry now.  I hope you have an amazing weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tiffany! Just hopped over from ETST and LOVE LOVE LOVE root beer floats! I've also never heard the name Dravyn before but find it beautiful! Did you post on the meaning anywhere before? Hope you have a great week!
