Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Busy Day

Yesterday I almost got my daily to-do list done, almost.  This is what it includes....

Read the Bible
Make the Bed
Clean the Bedroom
Straighten the Living Room
Clean the Dining Room Table
Clean the Desk
Wash Laundry
Dry Laundry
Fold/Hang Laundry
Clean Bottles
Clean Kitchen
Cook Dinner
Clean Dishes from Dinner
and Vacuum and Give the baby a bath are every other day.

Of course taking care of/playing with/ watching the baby are not on the list because well obviously I do that everyday.

All I didn't get done was fold/hang laundry and clean the dishes from laundry.  And this is what I faced this morning.

It's my fault for not cleaning the dishes last night, and then of course only a couple more spoons and a bowl would fit in the dishwasher, so I still have to unload and load the last few dishes that wouldn't fit.

And baby girl, oh baby girl, what a day she is having.

First she "helps" me do laundry which I find really cute.

Then she throws a 30 minute fit because she is over tired and wont take a nap and I told her she couldn't play with the electrical outlet.  That by the way looks a little like this, only much, much, longer and holding her and playing with her wouldn't calm her down this time.

Oh and she fell asleep for like 10 minutes while I finished this post I started this morning and is awake screaming again.  I think if this is a preview of the rest of May, I want a do-over.

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