Monday, May 14, 2012

My Mothers Day

I would say that my mothers day started Saturday after a trip to Joplin where we took Dravyn to the bridge where my husband proposed to me, and went to Cunningham Park.  Then we went to celebrate my cousins graduation at a Chinese place and headed out at almost 8.  We stopped by Target on the way out of town and I got a book I have been wanting so bad.  Bloom by Kelle Hampton, (which I just finished this morning, it is amazing). 

Sunday my husband made me hash browns, sausage, and eggs for breakfast, we went to church and when we got back home he grilled steak and made me yummy rice.  I got too read some, and then when Dravyn woke up from her nap only 20 min. after falling asleep, I went in to get her and laid down in bed with her, with full intentions of getting up and putting her back down when she fell asleep, but instead I took a nap with her.  It was a great mothers day and I am a very lucky person to have such an amazing husband and daughter.

I did the first day of couch to 5k this morning, and I'm not going to lie, I totally didn't make it, I had to walk through one of the runs.  I am so out of shape it is sad, and honestly I don't know if I want to do that to myself again or not.  I think my problems would be fixed if eating fresh baked cookies and drinking Dr.Pepper made you loose weight.

Maybe one day....

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