Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Quiet Time

It comes rarely with a nine month old, but right now I am enjoying the quiet interrupted only by the sound of the keys on my keyboard and the occasional jingling of the dogs tags as he scratches himself on the couch.  I always think better when it is quiet, but not too quiet.  It reminds me of when I was younger.

When I lived with my parents we live about a mile away from a race track, and I used to love Friday nights because after I got done watching TGIF (back when it had cool shows on), I would turn off the t.v., and lay in bed under the open window and listen to the cars race around the track and the crickets chirping in the pond next to the house.  I would fall asleep many nights listening to the rhythmic sound of the cars going around the track.  When I moved at around 13 to my maternal grandparents house I was sad I couldn't hear the track but I still had the occasional passing car, and when I moved again to my paternal grandparents less than a year later, it was way too quiet, I slept really poorly for awhile, I wasn't used to how quiet it really could get at night.

And to think that now I would pay for just an hour of quiet.

A picture of me and a fish I caught out of said cricket infested pond.

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