Monday, June 11, 2012

What A Weekend

Friday night I helped take photos at a wedding. I'm not so sure I did good, but I think I did OK. I at least got a few cute ones and got a good shot of the first kiss, so I will consider it a success. I had a lot of fun and got some practice.

Saturday Dravyn turned 11 months old and we had a birthday party to go to. The birthday boy seemed to have a great time with his smash cake, and got a bunch of gifts! Dravyn had a lot of fun watching all the kids. She played in a tiny kids bounce house (I didn't get any pictures of her in it because I was to paranoid to walk away and get the camera), and "helped" her daddy and Justin take down the gigantic inflatable water slide.  Later that night Dravyn got her big birthday present a month early, which is fine, because now she has something to do outside and she just loves it!

I haven't been feeling very good since last week so Sunday we just relaxed at home until about 5, then we went for a short drive to get some fresh air.

I loved this weekend and hope we have a lot more like it.

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