Friday, June 8, 2012

I'm Thankful For...

I am thankful for my husband, and am still so happy that he said I do 4 years ago.

I am thankful for the giggles of little girls.

I am thankful for flowers in bloom.

And I am thankful for family.


  1. Goodness. Don't we make a rag-tag group? I love you!

    Aaaannnnnddddd.... Thanks for the giggles and I am so sorry I missed your anniversary. I was still pretty confused until Friday afternoon, then I was amazed there was a picture of Black-eyed Susans on the wall of my room that I hadn't even seen until then. I love you guys! Congratulations.

  2. It's ok Mummy. I am glad you got to come home finally! We love you too.
