Sunday, May 26, 2013

Our Trip

Our family "adopts" people, blurring the line so you never really know who is related by blood and who isn't.  It is something I love about my family even if it makes trying to explain to someone that your cousin isn't really your cousin or that the person who traveled half way across the country to the family camp out isn't "related" at all.  It is also the reason we went to Alabama this week.  We had a funeral to go to and I wanted to be there for Dee and for my Grandpa so Tuesday we started making plans.

Originally my Mummy (who is really my aunt if you don't remember my last post) asked if I wanted to go with her and my cousin and my grandparents and I said sure if I could figure out how to get to them for the voyage. I talked to my husband about it and he said he would be worried about us if he didn't go too so our trip gained one person and another vehicle.  Our original plan was to spend the night Wednesday in Tennessee with Dee and then go to the visitation and funeral on Thursday and since we were going that far we decided to go after that to visit more family.

So Tuesday we packed and after Kevin got off work we left to go to Mummy's house to start the trip in the morning.  We got a late start and ended up stopping in Mansfield, Missouri for a picnic lunch, bathroom break, and some stretching time.  Our trip that day was long and included a stop in Arkansas, and dinner at a Cracker Barrel that included asking someone who worked there what state we were in. For the record it was Mississippi.  We drove another couple hours and ended up in a hotel for the night as we did not accomplish our goal of getting to Dee's that night.

Our lunch break.

The building, what you don't see is all the geese walking around next to the building, Dravyn really wanted to pet one, crazy girl.

I love rushing water it is so beautiful.

The view down from the walkway.

Getting ready Thursday Morning.
The visitation and funeral were both really beautiful and the things that Dee said about her Daddy made me cry.  After visiting with all my family down there for a little while we headed out to go visit Kevin's sister, brother in law, and our niece and nephew.  The drive kept telling us it would take 3 hours but the GPS said our arrival time was 4 hours from when we got in the car.  It wasn't until Kristen said something that we remembered the time change line was between where we were and where we were going.
Friday we went to the mountains and got to see some of the really beautiful views while spending time with family we don't get to see often.

Wait is that a camera?!?!?

Let me pose for you!
What are you doing?
Say Cheese!
So on our little trip we were in Missouri, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Illinois which means Dravyn is becoming quite the world traveler.  Today we are exhausted, and sore from being in the car so long over the last few days, but it was worth it.  As an added bonus that is the longest trip Kevin and I have been on together and the longest one Dravyn has been on period and we all came back alive so I would consider the mission a success.

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